Wednesday, August 16, 2006


silvia(with walkie talkie) knows all the places a person can hide stuff

Getting my badge and entering the large room full of stands and displays for the first day of the A.P. fancon is always an exciting feeling. $215 seemed a bit steep to me, but it does include the hotel room which I’m sharing with Lyle Needington, a big fan of A.P. from Spokane, WA. He seems like a pretty good dude. Anyway, I had to wait a couple hours outside the conference center as there was some sort of snafu with my badge. Not a complete loss, as I hung out with my new pal, Silvia Portersmouth, head of security, who had countless hilarious stories of frisking inmates in her old job as a prison guard. I'll report more when I get inside-ed

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