Here's the word from Zeno and the boys:
"the love triangles, bitter rivalries, artistic differences, drugs, andhead games have finally done in the ill-fated sames. the final strawwas when tim, high as a kite, showed up to practice wearing a grassskirt and punched mas in the groin.we're playing one more show, however, this friday, the 19th, at thecat's cradle in carrboro. it's a free show. and there will be free foodavailable at 8pm, come early to nibble'n'chat.joining us to make music will be some of our favorite bands from thearea, some of the desperados who've played with us, supported us, andhumiliated us during these last five years: the rosebuds, schooner,pleasant, audubon park, north elementary, and the torch marauder. plus,there will be a special appearance by the elusive pox family singers. alittle something for everybody. really, it's just a rock'n'roll partyto celebrate our demise. and david nahm is hosting, so prepare yourselves for plenty of juggling, impersonations, and the typicalbarrage of poorly timed racist jokes.it's free, for christ's sake! and smoke-free, to boot.come say, "sayonara, suckers."thanks for listening.and for making us the #1 party band on the eastern seaboard!"
How will AP play with Finn in Russia and Ben serving a six game suspension? Submit your guess in the comments section.
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