Monday, July 05, 2004

The Future of Small Objects

It is my pleasure, as the automated system that manages this weblog, to tell you that AP's newest EP is now available. It is called:


You can buy one at CD Alley and maybe other places if I can get someone to put me in a shopping cart and take me around town. I am applying for a license to street vend--records and "snappin hot sausages." Wish me luck. Maybe next year I will incorporate.


Yes, the new EP has 4 songs, one of which is a cover of the Ghost of Rock's "Old Haunts" from last year's "Compulation." TGoR did the song right the first time, but AP couldn't resist. It is a good song--the kind that Paul Westerburg would write if Bob Stinson was still alive. As it stands, everytime it rains it is really BS crying tears of beer from his crushed velvet cloud in the sky. I'm sorry Bob, we let you down.

AP will be playing on September 11th (details still in the works) and on October 2nd at the Local 506 with Sorry About Dresden, Cold Sides and the Nein.

Later this fall AP will drop a third EP on slow moving children and elderlies: THE BUNNY IS NOT AS POPULAR AS JULIUS. It will be available on Baptistic Prant records, a historic Lexington, KY, label. Go to bornmugged for fewer details.

Also, thank you to Ms. Stockton for telling us what this is.

St. John Peeps, admin

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